Thursday, November 30, 2006

Robin Williams on Who's Line is it Anyway?

This is another hilarious video! I love Youtube... Make sure you watch/read all the posts. I don't know if it'll take up too much space but anyway. This is great...

I love this stuff...


Okay, so I cleaned the shower in my apartment today and it was one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen in my life. In my life! But it wasn't that bad, I guess. I'll still have to do another scrub of everything before I leave to get my $300 back next semester for my cleaning deposit. I have a picture on my camera of the sponge in the aftermath but it's still on my camera... Anyway, it was... lets say... interesting... I will NEVER let it get that bad again, EVER. And that's it...

I'm flap flap flapping my albatros wings!

Okay, another video from Sasha. This is sooooo funny!!!!!!! You must watch! A slight warning that there are some inappropraite words/phrases in this. Just as a warning. Anyway, this is hilarious!!!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My Sasha

So many (okay like 2) things about/from my Sasha today!

  • Darth Vader Musical

  • This is sooooooo funny! Especially for anyone who likes Star Wars and Phantom of the Opera. Yes, that's what I said. A wierd combination but why not?! Check it out!

  • Anti-Conformity, yeah right

  • My Sasha has a blog! Yes! We finally made her conform to our ways! *insert evil laugh here* So now you guys can check it out and comment!

    I love my Sasha... It'll be great to see her again, along with everyone else. Yeah! I'm coming home soon! YEAH!!!! Only one week left! Yes!

    By the way, if anyone is wondering, Sasha is my best friend of about 7 years. So ya, check out her blog...


    I was so excited about my rice pudding that I forgot to mention the lovely trip I had to the immigration office today to get my re-entry permit.

    It was a pretty easy ride to the station but the stop inbetween, Oimachi, is huge and about 8 stories underground. Apparently that's where we should go if there's an air raid. Anyway, we got to the station rather easily and then we found the the office easily as well but it was quite a walk.

    Once we got to the office we went to the Form Desk and got our form and filled them out even though they were rather confusinf and all of the examples were in Japanese. Then we went up to the second floor and took a number. I believe my number was 124 and they were on 93 when we got there so there was quite a bit of waiting before my number was called. I went up to the desk and, in Japanese, the lady asked for my Alien Registration card and my student ID and then told me to take another form and go down stairs to the convenience store, yes convenience store, to pay $60.00 for my re-entry permit and come back up stairs again. So we did all that and I got it and everything was good. They gave Matt a little trouble for whatever reason, I don't know, and then we left. So it was just a lot of red tape that was really annoying and ridiculous. $60.00 for a re-entry permit that only lasts 2 years is just not cool.

    In retrospect it wasn't so bad but still rather annoying and, I think, completely unnecessary. From what I've heard through the grape vine they are trying to get rid of this system but I don't know when or if it will be successful. Until then we fight on! (Even though, because I got a multiple re-entry permit, I won't have to go again for two years... Not the point...)

    Still, it was all made better with rice pudding...

    Rice Puddin'

    That's right. I made rice pudding! It turned out really well, if I do say so myself. And so easy! I can easily make it here in Japan. I just need to bring back some pure vanilla extract seeing that the only other kind of vanilla I've found has been in the bean form and it's almost $6.00 for two beans. I don't think so...

    Anyway, yeah! Jesse took a picture for me with his phone so that should be up soon.

    Just thought I would share this one triumph with you. I don't think I've ever been happier with anything I've made before. Probably because rice pudding is one of my favorite dishes and it was so easy. Anyway, it was a good time.

    Tuesday, November 28, 2006

    Good book

    I just finished reading The Bonesetters Daughter by Amy Tan. It was a great book about a women who, after her mother is diagnosed with Dimensia, learns the truth about her mothers life in China. It was a great story that really makes you think about your own family and it's history and how that affects you and your childhood and then who you become. It was also a good story about discovering who you are and being truthful with yourself. Very well written as Amy Tan can only do. I highly recommend this book, especially to anyone with a mother...^_^

    Sunday, November 26, 2006

    I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just finished printing out my last (and hardest) paper of the semester! The end is near, I can see it! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! Now all I have left is two rather easy finals and I'm done until January! How cool is that?! I think it's time for another happy dance...

    Uh huh uh huh, uh huh uh huh uh huh! Woo! Yeah! Dondondondondondon dondondondondondon! Ya! Alright! No more papers here tonight, woo! Papers here tonight! No no, no papers here tonight I just finished! Woo!

    Yeah! I'm so excited and this means that I'll be home soon! Only 11 days left! I would do another happy dance but I'm a little worn out from the last one. ^_^


    So I decided to take another break from my paper, which is almost done by the way, and I went on the website where you can find all things Engrish and I just had to put these up. They are hilarious!

    Going on four days now. I wouldn't wanna be anywhere near this guy.

    I love NY, Carifornia. Can't say I've ever been there.

    Counter again... again... again...

    Alrighty, one more time with the counter! Only 11 days left! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, I'm done now... ^_^

    Free MySpace Counters

    Now back to the paper!...

    Almost Done!

    Right now I am taking a little break from writing my 10-15 page research paper on "The Influences of Japan and America" for my final in Japan Today. I officially have 3 full pages written and all I really need to do with the rest is convert my outline into actual sentences which has been pretty easy. I am so glad I am almost done! Yes! This is the last paper I have to write for this semester and tomorrow is the last day of classes and Japan Today is the only class I even have! ^_^ Haha! Then only two finals on the same day, Dec. 4th, and I am done with this semester completely! Yeah!!!!! Oy, now back to the paper...

    And yes, I did get back into my room as is probably obvious... I called Jae on Josh's cell phone and met her to pick up my key. It all worked out in the end.

    Saturday, November 25, 2006

    dang it

    I totally got locked out of my room... I've been sitting in Matt and Josh's room since like, noon and it's almost 7:30pm and I have no idea when my roommates coming home...
    On a happier note, I got to talk to my parents and sister and my Aunt Didi and Uncle Earl in Arizona. It was pretty cool. It's sad that I couldn't go with them this year for the first year since before I was born, but I guess I knew this day would come eventually and at least I'll be home for Christmas. In less then 2 weeks!!!! Hahahahahahahahaha! Happy Dance! Dundundundundundun dundundundundundun! Uh huh uh huh uh huh uh huh uh huh! Ya!

    Okay, now I'm done... Onto Happy Feet!

    Thursday, November 23, 2006


    So here's my Thanksgiving:

    At about noon I left for Akihabara where I met with my Manga class at the Tokyo Anime Center. Four of us, all non-Japanese speaking white people, did a voice over in Japanese of a few seconds of a Pokemon episode! It was pretty hilarious. We watched the DVD in class today and were cracking up. I have a copy that I may try to put on here everntually. Anyway, then we went to a miad cafe which is a restaurant/cafe where all of the waitresses dress up like maids. As one of the students put it, it's the Japanese version of Hooters just not exactly like that... Anyway, it was pretty good. The food was decent and pretty cheap and we got to see a guy get slapped for 1500 yen. Yes, you read that right, he paid the waitress to slap him right across the face. And after she did it, he bowed and said thank you. *shrugs shoulders* I don't get it either...
    Then I headed to Ikebukuro and met up with Matt and then eventually Kimi. We did some shopping, I bought myself a SD Gundam model for 376 yen and some other stuff... *hint hint* and then we headed to the World Import Mart to pick up our stuff for THanksgiving dinner. It was already about 7pm and the store was closed so we decided to go to KFC. I know, pathetic but at least we were pathetic together and what do you expect in Japan? It was a good time. I had a lot of fun.
    On the way home we stopped in Shibuya and went to Don Quixote and got some ice cream and then went to Starbucks, again... I love that Starbucks...
    Afterwards we went back to the dorm and I put together my gundam. I'll have to put a picture on here for you guys. Then I went to bed at about 2:30am... I'm so tired!!!! But todays my last day for two of my classes so I had to be here. Almost done!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is way to exciting!
    Anyway, that's my Thanksgiving. And although it was not a traditional American Thanksgiving, it was a good one.

    Tuesday, November 21, 2006


    We now officially have an apartment!!!!! All the money stuff and everything was taken care of yesterday and we are good to go! Hahahahaha!!!! Thank You Lord!
    It's Happy Dance Time! Oh ya! Uh huh, uh huh uh huh uh huh. Wooh!

    Okay, I'm done now... You know, it's kinda hard to do a happy dance in print. Maybe one day I'll do a video of my happy dance. hmmm...

    Anyway, we move in on Dec. 7th and then I fly home on the 8th. It is a really nice apartment and I cannot wait to have my own place! Kimi and I are going to have an awesome time.

    *sigh* Good times, good times...


    I found this scholarship through that requires the participants to write a story, fictional or non, about how AID's/HIV affect a person. So I decided to write a story and I got to working. Usually I just start going and then edit from there.
    It starts with a yound Japanese-American girl (of course) learning that she has HIV and then moves on to a young girl in Africa. I had to come up with some African names seeing as I don't know any so I started looking on Google and I found a website, I found some good names for my story and then I started looking up other peoples names.
    My name means:
    Stephanie: Crown of glory
    Lynn: Powerful lion
    How cool is that?! I really liked that and thought it was cool. The websites a lot of fun and insightful. I think the best one I found was for my sister Melissa. Her name means a bee. hehe... I'll have to tease her about that one at least once.
    I love the internet.


    Heck yes... I found out today that I have a 73.55% (C) in my math class which means I don't have to take the final!!!!! Yeah!!!! I could take the final and go for a better grade but I could also go down in points and I'm pretty close. I figure I'll get rid of the stress and take my C and run. *phew* I am so glad I don't have to worry about that anymore. No more math! ^_^

    Well... at least until I take the next math class...

    Monday, November 20, 2006

    Hope and Joy

    Today, all day, I really don't know what I was feeling but it wasn't good. I think I was kinda depressed and sad. What about I have no idea but that's just how it works sometimes I guess. Then I went to Womens Bible Study in Machida and it ended up being just Michiko and I because everyone else was either sick or couldn't make it. It was really nice because we got to discuss more and be more personal because there wasn't a large group. The study we've been going through is about the different names of God. Today was Miqueh Yisrael or Hope of Israel or God of Hope. It was a great study and a good discussion that really reminded me of the hope I have in God and that I can have joy in any situation, any circumstance because I have that hope in the Lord. I can't really describe it to well except that I know that the Lord is always with me and is always taking care of me. We also talked about the hope we have in heaven and how we can have joy because we know we're going to heaven. It was really great and encouraging. I feel a lot better and I know that the Lord is taking care of me and that He will continue to do so, no matter how I feel or what I'm going through. He truly is the God of Hope, Miqueh Yisrael.

    After the Bible Study, I came to Shigeko's. I really like coming here. She and her daughter are really cool and it's nice to be in a real house instead of an apartment. (And Shigeko makes great food! ^-^) She taught me the phrase for `too much`. To say `I ate too much Mister Donut` I would say 私はミスタドナトを食べおすぎた。(Watashi wa Misuta Donato o tabe osugita.) A pretty nice phrase to know I think. You learn something new everyday, right?

    Anyway, that was my day today. Oh! And I got a A-/B+ on my Asian American final paper today. Yeah! I am so getting an A in that class. Now all that's left is my Japan Today final paper and then onto finals and I'm done! Woohoo!

    It can't end soon enough...

    Sunday, November 19, 2006

    Crazy Weekend

    Oh my goodess... This was a crazy weekend...

    Friday I had a final paper due in my Asian American history class which I finished about 20 minutes before class. I would have finished the night before but I was in the louge and the guys decided to come in and "study" with their beer... So I after having a few good laughs with them before the beer set in I went to sleep. Then I had to write four 250-400 word journal entries that I totally forgot about for my Japan Today class. I finished those about fifteen minutes ito class but it was all okay. No one cared that I was late and I turned my journals in. Friday night was fun though. Matt and I went to Funky friday Night Cafe which is the college group at church. That night was my night to do worship and share and it was a good time. I really enjoyed myself. Then Matt and I went back to the dorm and ate mandarin oranges (mikan in Japanese), drank hot chocolate and listened to some Bing Crosby music. It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas... Then we watched Airplane. That movie is sooooo funny! "Surely you can't be serious? I am and stop caling me Shirley." Hahaha! I loved it! If I remember correctly, Daddy really likes that movie and I think I watched part of it with him once a while ago. Anyway, about half way through the movie we had a chocolate craving and decided to bike to the grocery store but seeing that it was 2am, they were closed... So we went to 7-11 and luckily they had my kinako mochi choco (little chocolates flavored like this sweet soy bean powder with gummy rice cake on the inside). They only had 6 left so I took those and the box... teehee... It was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cold! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! The whole time I was freezing! I am so used to California weather and it so cold here! It was a good time...

    Saturday was laid back and I really didn't do anything. Ya, that's it...

    Sunday (yesterday) was the Fall Festival at school. That was pretty crazy. We had a good time. (We being Matt, Kimi and I.) We sold coffee and Mister Donut to make money for the Christian Club. Unortunately we didn't even seel enough to break even but who cares. At least we let the Student Government know we exist so that we can get some funding for next semester. It was fun. But now I have about three boxes of Mister Donut in my room and I have no idea what to do with them... I could bring them to school or church but it's a pain to take on the train or the bus so I don't know. I'll figure something out.

    Anyway, that is my weekend. It was a good time. But I am soooooo glad that I get to go home soon. I need a break...

    Wednesday, November 15, 2006

    Oh my goodness...

    I thought I was going to die laughing when I say this! Sasha took this picture of her Totoro that I bought her at the Ghibili Museum when I was in Japan in June. She hasn't taken it off her key ring since and this is the result. It's titled, Totoro Can Have a Bad Day. You have to see this! What an awesome picture!


    Hey guys! Just wanted to let everyone who was wondering about this whole tsunami business that it is not going to affect where I am if it does hit Japan. It's only up north so no worries! This may be time for a good geography lesson...
    The tsunami warning is in effect for Hokaido which is in northern Japan. A very nice place to go to おんせん (hot springs). For those who don't know, Tokyo is on the south eastern coast of Japan.
    There, you officially learned something new about Japan.
    And I think I'm going to take advantage of the fact that I have a Japanese keyboard at my disposal at the moment and type in some Japanese for practice. Sorry if you can't read it because you're computer doesn't have the right program or whatever...
    Haha! That was fun. It says, "I like Japan. Japan is beautiful. The weather is good. It is cold right now but I like it[Japan]." And that's my Japanese typing practice. Now it is definitely time for bed! ねむいですね! I am tired!

    Tuesday, November 14, 2006

    Counter again... again...

    It's already gone again! Geez... Some body really needs to stop posting so much... Anyway, here it is again!

    Free MySpace Counters


    YEAH!!!! I got a 90% on my math test!!!! Now I just have to do really well on the final and I'll maybe get a B in the class. Whew... What a relief. Now I won't have to take it ever again. Yeah!

    I hate math...

    Sunday, November 12, 2006


    I just seriously updated my Wishlist so that there are some more practical and affordable things on there. And then there's the Louis Vuitton bag that I added thats about $1,700... Hey, it's a wishlist. I'm allowed to wish, hence the name. Anyway, the books on there and the DVD player (cheap for a DVD player) are all things I'll need for next semester. Thanks a bunch even just for looking! Only a few more weeks 'til Christmas!

    One essay down, two to go...

    Yeah! I just finished my final essay for my manga class! Woohoo! Now I only have two more to go... Wish me luck!

    Saturday, November 11, 2006

    Totoros and Starbucks

    Oh what a day! I had a really great time today...

    Matt and I went to Ikebukuro and walked around the Sunshine City mall that is a 4 story underground mall. It was really cool. It became even better when we found a store called Moe Garden that had a huge selection of Totoro and Kiki's Delivery Service merchandise. I bought way to much stuff but it was all good stuff and some gifts which is why I won'y be telling you everything I bought. I did get some really cool watercolor postcards, cute Totoro stamps with stamp pad, a fuzzy coal sprite pin and some more stuff...

    Then it got even better when we went to go and look at the 3 story Christmas tree and got our picture taken with 3 samurai! How awesome and really strange is that! We went to go look at a giant blue Christmas tree and ended up getting our picture taken in front of it with 3 samurai. They even gave Matt a sword to hold for the picture! Haha! Oh, good times...

    After our long trek through Sunshine City we decided to go to Shibuya and visit the busiest Starbucks in the world, yes, the world. What do you expect from a city where 2,500 people cross the main intersection everytime the light changes? Anyway, we didn't have to wait long for our drinks but we waited 30 minutes to get somewhere to sit. So we milked it for all it was worth and ended up sitting there for an hour listening to the Christmas music and talking about our family traditions. It was nice to have someone to reminisce and miss home with. I was feeling so sad and missing home so much! *sigh* But I will be home soon! And my Gingerbread Latte was really good...

    Then we came home and went to the grocery store and parted ways and I went in my room and put on my Bing Crosby Christmas music and started drawing a picture based on some of the postcards I bought. I was really impressed with how it turned out. Maybe I'm not so bad at this art business afterall...

    Chibi Totoros on Leaves
    By the way, it says "Tonari no Totoro" or "My Neighbor Totoro" in English

    New Pictures

    Here are some new pictures I did a while ago. Sorry they took so long. I haven't been home much and the computer was acting up for a while. Here you go!

    I was inspired by the backdrop at the Tokyo Horizon 15th Anniversary Celebration. I added in the birds just to bring everything together. Basically just me playing around with my pastels.

    More playing around with my pastels.

    I was pretty impressed with this one. I thought it was pretty funny...

    Did this one while watching a few episodes of MASH. I love that show...

    And that's it for now! I did do another one but that is a different story and belongs in a different post.

    Thursday, November 09, 2006

    I'm Registered!

    I just registered for my classes and got in every class I wanted! Woohoo! What an awesome day.

    Thank You Lord!

    So as of right now I'm taking:

    International Heritage 51 (IH51) which is like Plato and stuff like that
    Japanese 1
    Classic Greek and Roman Mythology
    Journalism 55
    Asian American Literature

    Woohoo! Sounds like a good time. I may change out Greek and Roman Mtyhology for something else but as of right now that's it. I feel good. It's nice not to be a Freshmen anymore...


    Hahahaha!!!!!!!! Uh huh, uh huh! Uh huh uh huh uh huh! Whoo! Ya! Okay, happy dance over again now...

    Anyway, yes, Kimi and I got an apartment today! Eventually I'll put up a picture but for now you'll just get a description.

    The location is in Machida about 3 minutes from Jeremiah and Geigy's (pastor and his wife) house, about 10 minutes from the church and a 15 minutes bike ride from Machida Sta. We will be on the 2nd floor.

    The inside is a loft style room so the bed area is up a ladder and over the hallway. It's really cool and a lot bigger then we originally thought from looking at the diagram. Theres a living room area thats just square with two tables and a tv and two closets. The hallway has the kitchen with refrigerator, sink and stove, the toilet and shower off to one side and the washing machine. It is so cool! The building was just rebuilt and looks really great and is in great condition. We'll have the internet and tv and an APARTMENT! HAHAHA!!!!!!

    It is going to be so great! Now the only to do is pay for it... We signed the contract (with my Japanese stamp thingy) and we are set! I'm so excited and I cannot wait to move in which will be on Dec. 7th, the day before my flight leaves for home.

    It makes me feel so grown up. Like an adult or something... 0.o;;

    Who would thunk...

    Tuesday, November 07, 2006


    This is me, bored, sitting in the Mac lab, waiting for Kimi to get out of class so we can go get lunch.

    La la la la la!

    I guess I could be working on my essay that's due on Friday...

    Fine! I'm going, I'm going! You don't have to be so pushy! Geez...


    Okay, so I got an account with this thingy called Newshutch (thank you Matt) and it's really cool because I can add a feed link so that when something new is posted on a site I can see it without having to check all the individual websites. One of the coolest things about it is that I can get the funnies online! Woohoo!

    You would think... But what good is it if I can't view the funnies? I keep getting broken links!!!! And it's these RIDICULOUS COMPUTERS AT SCHOOL THAT DON'T WORK!!!!!!!!!!! GHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

    ::sits in corner holding knees and cries::

    Okay, I'm done now... I need a Mac...


    I totally forgot to mention in all of my apartment excitedness that I got my bike registered today! No longer do I have to ride in fear of being stopped and dragged of to the koban (police station/jail) for an unknown period of time! I am free! Free! And it was only 500 yen($5). Woohoo! What a good day!


    I found one! Woohoo! Yeah! Oh, ya, oh ya! Uhuh uhuh uhuh! Whoo!

    Okay, done with my happy dance...

    Anyway! Today I went with my lovely friend, Shigeko who translated for me, to the office of UR realtors. And that realy sucked... They wanted me to pay for 16 months rent in advance. I was like, "I don't think so!".

    So then we went to another office but this time for Leopalace 21 realtors, which Jeremiah found, thank you! And they were great! It turns out that they have a special thingy where you (okay get ready because this is a long list...) pay monthly so no year long contracts or anything, utilities are included, the apartment is fully furnished, there's no key money, no gurantors needed, no realtor fee, no security deposit, free internet connection and all of this for the low cost of $4,000-$5,000 from January to mid-April for the both of us (not each, but fo rthe both of us!) AND the buildings are right next to the church and the train station! Doesn't get much better then that! Oh wait... AND the buildings are practically brand new! Haha! I was very excited...

    Thursday Kimi and Shigeko and I are going to go look at the 4 different rooms available and decide which one we like best. Haha! I am so happy! Thank You Lord! Yes!

    (And for those of you who may be confused, I would be moving in with Kimi. Shigeko is a friend who just volunteered to translate for us dumb foreigners...)

    Oh... good times, good times...

    Sunday, November 05, 2006


    Just some random pictures of food that I thought were pretty cool and/or funny...

    Some new Koala's I found for the Christmas season. They were pretty good. Caramel and milk flavor, yummy!

    My fried potato from Lawsons today. In an American flag box...?

    Saturday, November 04, 2006


    I actually did art! I drew a picture and colored it with pastels and I think it actually looks pretty good if I do say so myself...

    I went to the art store with Kimi in Shinjuku today and I bought some pastels and a sketch book. I probably shouldn't have spent the money but I think it was worth it. I needed a creative outlet like this and now I have it. I still love writing but now this is a lot of fun too. Let me know what you think and if you actually know something about art then any tips are appreciated.

    Not the best thing anyone has ever done but I feel good about it. Hopefully there will be some more to follow.