Friday, September 15, 2006


As you read from my last post you can see that Kimiko and I just watched the Last Samurai. My last post was a little philosophical and this one, well it's not...

I love this movie! I know it's not historically accurate but who really cares? I have to say that my favorite line in the whole movie has to be when Tom Cruise is talking to his superior officer and he says:

"I would happily kill you for free."

This is so awesome! I love this movie! Just thought I would throw that out there...

"They are all perfect..."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I miss you!!! reading this made me cry.... im such a wuss... I love you steph. you should post pictures of you! *snif* *runs away to cry some more*

Anonymous said...

Hey steph, this is John. I like that movie too, the funny thing is, my parents got it for my birthday, fun huh? All your messages so far haven enlightened me about japanese culture and all that jazz so thanks....yours in christ, can't wait till you get home, but have fun while you are there!