Thursday, September 14, 2006

7 & i Holdings

Some of you may be familiar with the store, 7-11. (Well everyone should know about 7-11 but that sentence sounded better.) Here in Japan 7-11 is called 7 & i Holdings due to the merger of 7-11 and i Holdings. There are also other differences in the stores besides their names. At the 7 & i Holdings in Japan you can do everything. From buying a drink or a snack to buying a full size meal to paying your phone bill. Yes, that's right. You can pay most, if not all, of your various bills at any 7 & i Holdings.
I just got back to school from buying a lunch of potatoes and cheese with some sausage and bacon (which they heat for you there as well) and while I was there I decided to take care of my National Health Insurance Bill.
Only in Japan could something like this happen. Just one more way in which Japan is proven to be very unique.

1 comment:

Matt said...

They don't have Slurpees here. I'm a bit bitter about that.