Mexican Food!
Hahaha! I have proof that there is Mexican food in Japan! Yesterday I went with Jeremiah and Geigy to Mike's Tex-Mex Style restaurant and we had real Mexican food! It was sooooo good and it wasn't the Japanese portions, there was actually a whole burrito and a whole taco on my plate with rice and beans with lots of cheese! Oh goodness was it yummy! So ya, there is Mexican food in Japan! I'm so happy...
This is my mild beef burrito and fried chicken taco. I don't think I could have been happier last night. I will eat at Mike's again, you can bet on it.
Oishii! How much does Mike charge for his Tex-Mex? I could really go for a big fat burrio.
And you actuallly believe that that is real Mexican food! You're getting brainwashed out there!
I need some mex food.
You found your mexican food in Japan. I was worried that you weren't going to have burritos in Japan since it is so hard to find mexican food in Japan, and i know how much you love eating mexican food. I am glad for you and enjoy your burritos at Mike's.
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