Thursday, September 21, 2006


Okay, so I'm walking on the platform to change train lines and I walk by this old Japanese lady and she starts waving her arm in the shape of an X and whispering something under her breath. I think I was officially cursed by that old lady today. Kinda interesting, don't you think?
Obviously it didn't bother me. I just kept walking and listening to my music but I though it was kinda funny and you guys might want to know about it.
(Just in case you're wondering she was probably cursing me because I am a foreigner...)


Matt said...

Respect the Emperor. Expel the Foreign barbarians!

Anonymous said...

hahaha!! thats so rad... i mean totally uhhh..... freaky!

Anonymous said...

That's funny! But it's pretty frieky too!

Anonymous said...

Maybe she was signaling the train? Sounds freaky but at least she didn't call out the Minutemen!

Anonymous said...

i am sorry for what happen. She was probably not used to a foreigner or something. If i was in your situation i would of probably start yelling at her. hehe. since i am crazy koala. hehe.
