Monday, January 22, 2007


I got the Japanese language bar to work on my computer! Grant it I never really tried before but it works and its cool! If you can't view the characters then I must say, すみません、I am sorry. If you couldn't read them anyway then it doesn't really matter now does it? Sorry, I'm still mad about that Law & Order business...

I must say ありがとう ございます マシューさん! Arigatou gozaimasu Mashu-san! Thank you Matt! *Phew, what a lot of translating...* For helping me get it to work. And now I will give a short Japanese lesson, because I can!

おはいよおございます:Ohaiyoogozaimasu, Good morning
こんいちは:Konnichiwa, Good afternoon or Hello
こんばんは:Konbanwa, Good evening
すみません:Sumimasen, Excuse me or I'm sorry
トイレはどこですか。:Toire wa doko desuka. Where is the bathroom?

And those are the main phrases anyone should know when going to a foreign country so there they are. If you ever plan on coming to Japan then I suggest memorizing these. If not, then do it anyway because knowing even a few words in a foreign language will benefit you and others eventually! =D


Matt said...

That language bar is so nice for Japanese class assignments. At least it was at home when I had a laser printer.

Anonymous said...

Moo ichi do!! hehehee... how do you say, i need to use the restroom?