Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Kimi and I went to Ueno today to go and see The Lake House at one of the movie theatres. We actually found the theatre on time and had a lot of time before the movie actually started so we decided to go and wander around and we stumbled on a Buddist temple and a park that had another Buddist temple and a Shinto shrine. It was all very cool and interesting so here are some pictures from today. At the end are some pictures of wish boards that you buy in the temple and write your wish on it and put it on this board and your wish is granted. It was so awesome because they had boards wirtten in all different languages and now there is one in English written by yours truly and Kimi. All a lot of fun and a great day exploring.
The Lake House was a good movie by the way. A great romance/thriller/chick flick that I thoroughly enjoyed and would recommend.

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