Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Never Again...

Okay, so I actually decided to go to Fight Club tonight and it was a lot of fun. The only injuries I left with was a raspberry on my elbow and foot and I feel really worked out and I always love a good spar so I had a good time.
But then there was the ride home... I got to the bus stop just in time to ride the last bus on my route at 9:47pm but it only went to Shimizu which is about an hour walk from my dorm. So I got off at Shimizu and decided to walk to the next bus stop because the next bus wasn't coming for another 20 minutes. I went to the bus stop and got on the wrong bus... So I got off at the next stop and walked back to what I thought was Meguro-dori which is the street I live off of but it ended up being the wrong street. I got to a Sun Kus convenience store and asked for directions and they told me to go left so I went left and walked quite a ways until I got to another convenience store and asked again for directions. This guy had a map and spoke English and told me that I needed to turn right and walk for about 15 minutes, right past the first place I asked for directions...
Well I got to Meguro-dori and got to exactly the same bus stop I was at before and got on the right bus this time and got home at about 11:15pm.
So it was an interesting adventure to home. I think I'll take my bike next time...


Anonymous said...

Welcome to my world...


Matt said...

That sounds wondeful. Was it still raining while you were doing all of your walking?

When I was riding home it was raining so hard that the drops stung when they hit and the wind was so strong that it almost tipped me over.

Anonymous said...

poor steph.... that would be no fun... I've never gotten lost.... but then agian, i've been in the same town.... for like forever...
much love.

wonbyone2b1 said...

Hi Stephanie,
It is so wonderful to see how you are doing and get a slice of life in Japan. Thank you for finding the time to share it with us. I am praying for you.
Agape, Elaine

Anonymous said...

I think you should find someone to ride with to Fight Club.....but that's your mom talking.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

You went to a fight club??? I just can't see you going to a fight club! Those buses really hate you don't they!