Thursday, February 01, 2007

30,000 yen and Construction Workers

Yeah! The school FINALLY got our housing deposits calculated and I was able to go to the Annex building (after I figured out where it was) and hand the guy my ID card, sign the paper and he handed me 30,000 yen in cash. That's just a little less than $300. In cash... Sometimes I love this country.

And then other times, I don't. Like when I'm walking down the street, minding my own business just trying to get home after a long day of school and BAM! There's a construction dude standing next to his truck thats parked on the street and he's peeing. Yes you read correctly. I looked over to the street and there's some old guy peeing underneath his truck in broad daylight with people, including little kids, walking down the street. I was totally amazed and grossed out. Ya, that was just gross.

Anyway, I got the last part of my application taken care of. Now all I have to do is wait. I hate that part.

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