Tuesday, December 26, 2006


So today Mommy, Melissa and I went to the mall and did soe shopping to spend all those gift cards. I found a beautiful wool pea coat that fit me very well and was on sale at Macy's. Originially $150 I bought it for $96 with tax and it was technically free for me because I used my gift card. ^_^ Then we went to Charlotte Russe where I bought two new pairs of jeans, again with a gift card and then we went on to Panera for a lunch of soup and a salad. Mommy paid for that one, with a gift card, haha! For dessert we stopped by Starbucks where we again used some gift cards. I also met Melissa's new boyfriend who seems nice and is at least cute.
Anyway, another good day at home with the family. Tomorrow should prove to be another good day because Grandmommy's flying into town! We'll leave to pick her up at about noon. It'll be great to see her again.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Huzzah for gift cards.

I've never really understood why people buy them though. It seems to me that exchanging money for pseudo-cash that can only be spent at one place is a bit silly.

Of course this doesn't stop me from buying them from time to time or detract from my joy at receiving them.