Saturday, December 09, 2006

First day

So far being home has been pretty awesome. Yesterday after I posted I sat on the couch and cuddled with my Mommy while we watched Home Improvement. Of course there was a dog on the other side. You can't sit on a couch at my house without there being a dog on the other side. Later on my best friend, Sasha, and one of my other best friends, Nick, came over and we just talked and hung out. It was so awesome to see them again. It was great to talk and it was so cool because we could just pick up the conversation even though we haven't seen each other in 4 months. It's really like I was never gone.
After Nick left we had a dinner of chicken and green beans and macaroni and cheese. It was so yummy! I love American food! Especially home cooked by my Mommy! Then after dinner we just sat around and talked and had some Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches for dessert and listened to music. It was great. A good first day back, or half a day I guess.

Today was a good day too. I went with my parents to the Escondido Christmas Parade and watched my sister do her mad dancing moves with the dance team for high school. They did a good job. There were a lot of other cool floats as well. There were a lot of boy scouts who were also peddling mistle toe as they do every year. At least they weren't selling popcorn... After the parade we went to Red Brick Pizza and had some yummy Basil and Tomato Four Cheese Pizza. It was so good and actual pizza. Not this Japanese pizza business. Then we had a gilato for dessert. Tirimasu. mmmm.... Then there was more cuddling and tv watching when we got home. My mom took my sister to her friends house at about 3pm so I went with her and we took a trip to the mall after that. My Mommy bought me some new jeans and a sweater and a belt. I'm going to wear them tomorrow to church to see everyone. I love getting a new outfit! Thank you Mommy! And of course Daddy for making the money to buy the stuff. Hahaha! Then my mom dropped me off at Sasha' house and we had a little dinner and hung out with her family. We watched The Polar Express. That was a very strange movie but not to bad. The graphic were definitely amazing. I don't remember what the technique they used was called but it was interesting. By then it was 9pm and we were all tired so my Sasha drove me home and here I am!

I am enjoying my time home so much! I love my family and my friends and it is good to see them again. Time is flying by fast though and it will end soon... :( But I just don't think about that and enjoy my time here while I can!


Anonymous said...

well I am glad you are back! nice sweater and belt... I saw it today! I guess I don't need to talk to you over this blog now that I can talk to you in person!

Anonymous said...

Polar Express used a technique called Motion Capture where the actors wear special suits that have sensors in them that are "captured" by computers. These motions are then applied to models.

Also the models can have other, non-captured animation (such as the backflips).

Anyways, I'm a friend of Matt, and I just happened to be trolling and noticed your post. Have a nice time back.

-Tarrick Twilight (Ask Matt about my other/true identity if you must know)