Friday, December 22, 2006


Above is a slide show of some of the pictures I've taken since I've been home. The first few are of the Movie Night Sasha, Chante and I had last night (Thursday). It was so much fun! We watched Step Up while drinking one and a half bottles of Martinelli's Sparkling Apple Cider, eating Botan Rice Candy (gummy candy made of... rice) and Pocky (biscuit sticks dipped in chocolate). The movie was excellent! Not only was it well done and had a good story but the acting and dancing was amazing! I love Channing Tatum! Not only is he gorgeous but he can dance and dance well. It was a great movie, just in case I didn't already say that. After we watched the movie we could not stop dancing even though we can't really dance. Oh well, it was fun anyway.

After I got home from picking up Melissa, she and her friend, Livia, who practically lives at our house, watched it again but in black and white because something is wrong with the DVD/TV connection. So I watched most of it again with them. It was a lot better on a bigger tv then in Chante's room with the smaller tv that's really far away. That was a good night. The next few pictures are from after I got home from Sasha and Chantes.

Then of course there are the pictures of my spoiled little puppies on the couch. *sigh* I'm gonna miss them... And there's my Daddy! Just took that picture tonight about 30 minutes ago I think. It's a little fuzzy but oh well. And that's the end...

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