Monday, December 11, 2006

Day 2

Another good day here at home in sunny Southern California! Today I went to church and got to see everyone! It was great to be able to give hugs and talk to everyone that I missed. It really doesn't seem like I even left though. We can still pick up our conversations and have a good time.

After first service Meagan, Sasha and I took a little trip to Starbucks (thank you Meagan!) and then went back to the church and hung out in Bulldogs office. Reminded me of the good old times while I sat in my chair drinking coffee and talking to Bulldog. Good times...

Then Sasha and I came to my house for a little while and did a little work on the CD we want to record just for fun and then headed out to Christians guitar recital. He was great and it was fun to hear all the Christmas music. It is around the corner! We had some good cookies and punch afterwards and headed back to my house.

There was more music and then... Panda Express! I am a big fan of Americanized Chinese food. Especially after being in Japan where they have real Chinese food that tends to be very unusual and kinda greasy (in my opinion). I enjoyed the food. Made me glad to be back in America.

Then came the free movie watching. Sasha works at the movie theatre so she can get two free tickets and sometimes more so we went and say The Holiday. It was a great chick flick with a nice happy ending. I don't want to give away the story so go see it for yourself if you're into chick flicks and it's pretty late and I'm tired... ^_^

And now I'm home and pretty tired seeing that it's 1:37am. But it's all okay because I get to sleep in tomorrow. I love vacation...

I almost forgot! Daddy put up the Christmas tree today! He had to use the air compressor to get all the dust and spiderwebs out of it but it looks great now! Hahahaha! Still won't be decorated until Christmas Eve, as is tradition, but it looks great for now. Even Mister White Paws loves it. She keeps dragging the stuffed reindeer behind it! Crazy cat. It'll be interesting when there are acutal ornaments on the tree. Better put the glass ones on top...


Anonymous said...

cool! You must have been tired when you wrote this because it was a piano recital I was in not a guitar recital! So for all you people out there thinking I play the guitar, Stephanie still has jet-lag and is a little cookoo....I play the piano! Get it right!
--Christian (KFC...with a K!)

Anonymous said...

"I was in not a guitar recital"... I would have to say that you sound a little tired yourself Christian, or you just read the King James bible way too much. Glad to hear that you're enjoying your time here, but that whole decorate christmas eve thing sounds kind of like a bummer. I love looking at our decorated tree, it makes me feel more "christmasee"... yeah whatever.

Anonymous said...

hahaha... i didn't know Christian plays the guitar now! lol, that means he can lead worship every week!! right?!! ^_^ i kinda feel the same way as nick, i love looking at our decorated tree, 'its beginning to look a lot like christmas...'

Anonymous said...

ok Nick...if you put a comma after "in" and before "not" it makes sense! That is what I was meaning...not what you thought. So it should say, "It was a piano recital I was in, not a guitar recital..." Get it?!?!?! You illiterate piece of junk!