Friday, April 20, 2007

Being Home

So far being home has been great. Yesterday I went to service and we had a great time playing a game that was a weird, but fun, mix of dodge ball and sherades... We had balls of socks to throw at each other and when we were hit with a sock we took it and sat down. Then when it was our turn we acted out the scene that was stuffed inside our particular ball of socks. It was quite a lot of fun. My favorite scene was "You are trapped in an elevator with a hungry pit bull, and he is starting to look at you funny!".

Today I went with Sasha to her Japanese class where I was able to visit with my Japanese teacher who actually took me to Japan for the first time last June as well as some friends from class and that trip. It was good times. I felt a little retarded when I couldn't answer some of the questions but that's okay...

After that we took a little trip to Grand Ave. downtown and went to His Place coffee shop that my church runs. Took a little walk around Grand after getting out drinks and ended up at a magic shop where we were filmed as an audience of two for this guy doing magic tricks. He calls himself Smoothini, the Ghetto Houdini. It was interesting and fun. Apparently this guy lived in Okinawa doing his magic for three years. No matter where I go Japan will always follow me! I'm okay with that.

Enough with the text, time for some pictures!

The other team for Dodgeball/Sherades. We won!

My Sasha being gansta

Alicia, Lauren and Chante with their Oreos.

Nick. He's a lot bigger than the last time I say him...

At Palomar with my "Choose Me!" notebook from the 100 yen shop

His Place Coffee House

Me with Smoothini and the magic shop owner

It's so nice to be home!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, it is me Smoothini the Ghetto Houdini. I regularly check out what comes up when I google my name. Great to see that picture.